How to Check Backlinks In Google Search Console

Check Backlinks In Google Search Console

check backlinks in the Google Search console

Easy Steps: Check Backlinks in Google Search Console! Discover simple ways to monitor your backlinks in Google Search Console. Boost your site’s SEO

Google Search Console offers a Links report that provides insights into backlinks for your website. Here’s how to access it:

  • Log in to your Google Search Console account.
  • Select the website property you want to analyze.
  • In the left sidebar, navigate to the “Links” section.

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Within the Links section, you’ll find two reports:

  • External Links: This report provides information on websites linking to your site. It’s further divided into two subsections:
    • Top Linked Pages: This section shows the pages on your website that have received the most backlinks.
    • Top Linking Sites: This section displays the domains that link to your website the most.

For each section, you can typically see a limited number of results. Clicking “MORE” at the bottom of the table will provide a more comprehensive list.

While Google Search Console offers a valuable starting point, it’s important to note that it might not show all your backlinks. Some SEO tools provide more in-depth backlink analysis, including:

Check Backlinks In Google Search Console

find backlinks with Google

  • Ahrefs
  • SEMrush [SEMrush backlink checker ON]
  • Moz [Moz backlink checker ON]

These tools offer features like:

  • More comprehensive backlink data: They can discover a wider range of backlinks compared to Search Console.
  • Backlink metrics: They provide additional insights into the quality and strength of backlinks.
  • Backlink monitoring: They allow you to track changes in your backlink profile over time.

Consider using a combination of Google Search Console and a backlink checker tool for a more complete understanding of your website’s backlinks.

How to find backlinks on Google

which reports indicate how traffic arrived at a website?

How to Check Backlinks in Google Search Console: An FAQ

Q: Can I see who links to my website in Google Search Console?

A: Yes! Google Search Console offers a Links report that shows you websites linking to your site.

Q: How do I find the Links report?

A: 1. Log in to your Search Console account. 2. Select your website property. 3. In the left sidebar, navigate to the “Links” section.

Q: What information does the Links report provide?

A: The Links report provides two sub-reports:

  • Top Linked Pages: This shows the pages on your site that have received the most backlinks.
  • Top Linking Sites: This displays the domains that link to your website the most.

Q: Does the Search Console show all my backlinks?

A: While Search Console is a helpful starting point, it might not show all your backlinks. Some SEO tools offer more comprehensive data.

Q: Are there any benefits to using SEO tools for backlinks?

A: Yes! SEO tools can provide:

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