How to make a website in 10 minutes

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        How to make a website in 10 minutes

 If you want to make a success website and want to earn a lot of money from your website, then today I will tell you about creating such a website.

 There will be no shortage of traffic in the website where neither you have to do SCO, nor you have to search for content, nor you have to find any topic, only and only you have to copy and paste, so that your traffic will get as much as you want.  And if you flow it, then you understand that traffic has started coming, you can monetize your website from any ad network, from where you get more money.  I tell you the website to maintain

 You have to create a job website, within the job website, you have to do only and only daily that whatever job is not released, you have to put that job on your website. The validity of a job is around 2 months or 2 months before the job.  It is extracted if you put 10 jobs on your website and index it inside the search engine. Understand that the traffic has to come on your website and India or India  Uri is very out of jobs o daily in the world,

 Write any 10 jobs, then see how traffic does not come to your website and how you are not running, I guarantee you when you will get a lot of money for what you have to do, I am telling you everything below in detail.  Read my post and understand that only then you will understand something, do not spend anything and only have to buy in a couple of months, just after that your work as I tell you, go on doing it for 1 month.  Inside it’s your Anil sir

 If you can make money from your website, then you first need a domain name which you will have to buy.

 1. Domain name

 2. Web hosting

 3. content

 4. Index your website

 5. Run your website

 6. Monetize your website

 7.Earn your website

 1. Domain name

 You have to buy your domain name, buy any domain name that you like, whether you buy it from Godaddy or buy it from Google, buy it from someone, buy a domain name from ₹ 800, this is your expense.  Let’s say you bought something in two months, anything is free. Any other Dominant, now look at my second step.

 2. Web hosting

 Vaibhav Austin, you do not want to go somewhere from within the Google blog and create a new blog and you put an expansive theme in which your blog looks good and whatever you are putting in it, you can see it well.  Make a good bit by editing and deleting anything, and it will become automatic. You do not need to create anything, just need to choose a theme.

 Now you have to connect your domain M to your domain to connect domain M to your blog, I am putting some pictures below. You can connect your domain name by looking at them, it will be easily corrected. No problem of any kind  Will come in this way, you can get your domain M connected, your website is ready

 What do you do after that? Look at the next step.

 3. Content

 You have to go to any job website and see its post from there, if you can write, then write it or else you can copy and paste it, there is no pirated system in it, such as Google and other things telling pirated content.  Will not take it but there is no such thing in it because the job is one, a company has removed, a bank has extracted the same from anywhere, the job is one, then its content is also the same.  Why would you give any of popularity that put the jobs and jobs that are all popular as soon as you publish give fruits they gonna

 Then I see that the traffic on your website does not come like this and how your website is not running, do it continuously for a week, put 10+ in at least 1 day, within your website your website will be running.

 After that you see the next step

 4. Index your website

 You have to intakes your website, I have already written a post about the injection, you should read the indexing post inside my block carefully, where I have done everything in the index and how it is done.  I can take a small look at you. To get indexed you need an induction platform which is an indexing play of big companies.  The form as

 Google council

 Bing index webmaster tool

 As soon as you enter your website, your website will come inside the search engine and your website will come in the first search and whoever does the job search is a job, then your website appears at the forefront and the visits to your website start coming.  Will go to your website, next step, I am telling you, you see

 5. Run your website

 As you index your website, your website will come in the running, you will also have to use social media to match the running so that your website gets more floor and more and more flow on your website and your website more and more.  In this way, you can get your website running and boost your traffic. See next step.

 6. Monetize your website

 Now it comes that you have created and run your own website, now where to earn money from this, to earn money, we have to monetize from the ad network about which I have already written a post about you monetize and website.  Read the post properly, by the way, I can tell you a little bit now that how to monetize you, there is a lot of ad network to monetize, you have to choose an ad network.  Than that

 Google AdSense


 There is a lot of other networks today, you can choose any ad network according to you today that you like, which you like and you can earn money from that network, I will ask you to recommend that you choose only because media.  net cpc and click pays both. No such network ever pays money. is a very big network of Yahoo and Bing which is at world number two.

 See step

 7. Earn money your website

 You have to put the URL and description in your website within your network ad network in such a way that it can easily search your website and detect all the traffic coming in it so that your report  Can you come in the way and then what is your website started earning money Abe eat laddoo barfi and celebrate

 Thank you
By Baljeet Yadav