what is ssl? err_ssl_version_or_cipher_mismatch

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a cryptographic protocol that establishes a secure connection between a web server and a browser (or between two servers). It ensures the privacy, authentication, and data integrity of information transmitted online. SSL has largely been superseded by its successor, TLS (Transport Layer Security), but the terms are often used interchangeably.

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  • What it does: SSL/TLS uses a combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms to scramble data.
    • Symmetric encryption: A shared secret key encrypts and decrypts data. It’s efficient for large amounts of data.
    • Asymmetric encryption: Uses a public key pair (public and private keys). Public keys encrypt data, while private keys decrypt it. This is used for key exchange and digital signatures.
  • Algorithms: Common algorithms include AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) for symmetric encryption and RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) for asymmetric encryption.
  • Benefits: Encryption makes intercepted data meaningless, protecting sensitive information like credit card numbers, passwords, and personal details.

2. Authentication:

  • The Role of Certificates: An SSL certificate, issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA), acts like a digital passport for a website. It contains:
    • Domain Name: The website’s address (e.g., www.example.com).
    • Public Key: Used for encrypting data sent to the website.
    • CA Signature: Verifies the certificate’s authenticity, ensuring it wasn’t issued by a malicious entity.
  • Handshake Process: During the SSL handshake, the browser verifies the certificate’s validity with the CA. If everything checks out, the browser establishes a secure connection.
  • Benefits: Authentication prevents “man-in-the-middle” attacks where imposters impersonate legitimate websites to steal data.

3. Data Integrity:

  • Hashes and Message Authentication Codes (MACs): SSL/TLS uses cryptographic hashes (one-way functions) to create a unique fingerprint of the data. A Message Authentication Code (MAC) is generated using the hash and the server’s private key.
  • Handshake Process: The MAC is sent along with the data during the handshake. The browser verifies the MAC using the public key from the certificate.
  • Benefits: Data integrity ensures that information hasn’t been altered in transit. This is crucial for secure transactions and communication, preventing tampering with data like online orders or financial information.


  • HTTPS Protocol: Stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It’s the secure version of HTTP used for communication between web browsers and servers.
  • Visual Cues: Look for the padlock icon in your browser’s address bar and “HTTPS” at the beginning of the URL to confirm a website uses SSL/TLS.
  • Importance: HTTPS enforces the use of SSL/TLS for data transmission, protecting user privacy and information security.

5. SSL Handshake:

  • A Secure Negotiation: It’s the initial exchange between a browser and a server to establish an encrypted connection. Here’s a simplified breakdown:
    1. Client Hello: The browser sends a message to the server, indicating its supported encryption algorithms and requesting a certificate.
    2. Server Hello & Certificate: The server responds with its chosen encryption algorithms, a certificate, and a random number.
    3. Client Certificate Verification (Optional): The browser verifies the server’s certificate with the CA.
    4. Pre-Master Secret Exchange: The browser encrypts a random number using the server’s public key and sends it.
    5. Session Keys Generation: Both sides use the exchanged random numbers and their private keys to generate the same session keys for encryption and decryption.
    6. Finished Messages: Both parties exchange messages encrypted with the session keys to confirm the connection is established.
  • Security Significance: The handshake ensures a secure connection with appropriate encryption algorithms and establishes trust by verifying certificates.

6. SSL Certificate:

  • Digital Trust: An SSL certificate acts like a digital ID for a website, issued by a trusted CA. It contains information like:
    • Domain Name: The website’s address it’s bound to.
    • Organization Validation: Different certificate validation levels (Domain Validation, Organization Validation, Extended Validation) determine the level of verification performed by the CA on the website owner’s identity.
    • Public Key: Used to encrypt data sent to the website for secure communication.
    • CA Signature: Verifies the certificate’s authenticity, ensuring it wasn’t issued by a malicious entity.
    • Validity Period: Certificates have a limited lifespan (typically 1-3 years) and need to be renewed.
  • Security Benefits: Validates website identity and allows browsers to establish secure connections, protecting users from phishing attacks and data breaches.

7.SSL Pinning (Android) – Continued:

  • Benefits:
    • Prevents Man-in-the-Middle Attacks: Even if an attacker has a valid certificate issued by a trusted CA, the app won’t connect if it doesn’t match the pre-defined pins. This strengthens security against imposters trying to intercept communication.
    • Protects Against Certificate Misissuance: Mitigates the risk of a CA accidentally or maliciously issuing a certificate to a fraudulent website.
  • Drawbacks:
    • Less Flexibility: Requires developers to maintain a list of trusted certificates, which can be cumbersome with frequent certificate changes.
    • Potential Connection Issues: If a legitimate certificate authority issues a new certificate that isn’t pre-pinned, the app might experience connection problems until the pin is updated.

8. Differences Between SSL and TLS:

  • Evolution: SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) was the original protocol developed in the mid-1990s. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is its successor, offering stronger encryption algorithms, improved security mechanisms, and addressing vulnerabilities found in SSL.
  • Current Use: While SSL is technically outdated, the terms “SSL” and “TLS” are often used interchangeably due to the widespread adoption of the earlier protocol. Modern browsers and servers primarily use TLS.
  • Future Outlook: TLS continues to be actively developed and updated to address evolving security threats.

9. Additional Considerations:

  • Certificate Authorities (CAs): Trusted CAs play a crucial role in verifying website identity and issuing valid certificates. Users should be cautious of websites with self-signed certificates (issued by the website itself) or certificates from untrusted CAs, as they might not be legitimate.
  • Certificate Transparency: An initiative to increase transparency and accountability in the certificate issuance process. It allows anyone to monitor certificates issued by CAs, helping to detect fraudulent certificates.

I hope this expanded explanation provides a deeper understanding of SSL/TLS and related concepts! If you have any further questions about specific aspects, feel free to ask.

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