Where Can I Submit Short Stories

Where Can I Submit Short Stories

Where Can I Submit Short Stories

Writing short stories can be a rewarding creative pursuit, but once you’ve crafted your masterpiece, you may wonder: where can I submit it for publication? Fortunately, there are numerous avenues for submitting short stories, ranging from literary magazines to online journals and even contests. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best places to submit your short stories and how to get started on your journey to publication.

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1. Introduction

Importance of Submitting Short Stories

Submitting your short stories for publication offers several benefits. Not only does it provide an opportunity to share your work with a wider audience, but it can also lead to recognition, feedback from editors, and even monetary compensation in some cases.

2. Literary Magazines

Well-Known Magazines

Some of the most prestigious literary magazines, such as The New Yorker, The Paris Review, and Granta, are highly selective but offer excellent exposure for published authors.

Niche Magazines

In addition to mainstream publications, there are numerous niche literary magazines that cater to specific genres or themes. Researching and submitting to these magazines can increase your chances of acceptance if your story aligns with their focus.

3. Online Literary Journals

Benefits of Online Journals

Online literary journals offer accessibility and a wide readership base. They often accept submissions year-round and tend to have shorter response times compared to print publications.

Submission Process

Each online journal has its own submission guidelines, which typically include formatting requirements, word count limits, and preferred genres. It’s essential to carefully review these guidelines before submitting your work to ensure it meets the publication’s criteria.

4. Contests

Advantages of Contests

Short story contests can be an excellent way to gain recognition and potentially win prizes for your writing. Many contests offer publication as part of the prize package, further increasing your exposure as an author.

Tips for Finding Reputable Contests

When considering which contests to enter, look for ones with transparent judging processes, reputable sponsors or organizations, and clear guidelines regarding submission fees and deadlines. Websites like Poets & Writers and Submittable often list upcoming contests and their details.

5. Anthologies

How Anthologies Work

Anthologies are collections of short stories, often centered around a specific theme or genre. Submitting to anthologies can be a great way to see your work published alongside other authors and reach a targeted audience.

Finding Anthologies to Submit To

Research publishers or editors who are currently seeking submissions for anthologies that match your story. Websites like Duotrope and AnthologyMarket.com can help you discover anthology submission opportunities.

6. Self-Publishing

Pros and Cons of Self-Publishing

Self-publishing your short stories allows you to maintain full control over the publishing process, from formatting to marketing. However, it requires more effort on your part to reach readers and may not offer the same level of validation as traditional publishing.

Platforms for Self-Publishing

Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Smashwords, and Draft2Digital provide easy-to-use tools for self-publishing your short stories as e-books. Consider pricing, royalties, and distribution options when choosing a platform.

7. Literary Agents

Role of Literary Agents

Literary agents act as intermediaries between authors and publishers, helping authors navigate the publishing industry and negotiate book deals. While not all agents represent short fiction, some specialize in representing short story collections.

Querying Agents

If you’re interested in traditional publishing for your short stories, research literary agents who represent authors in your genre or style. Craft a compelling query letter and follow their submission guidelines carefully.

8. Conclusion

Submitting your short stories for publication opens up a world of opportunities for recognition, feedback, and sharing your work with readers. Whether you choose to submit to literary magazines, enter contests, or explore self-publishing, the key is persistence and finding the right fit for your stories.


1. How long does it typically take to hear back after submitting a short story? Response times vary depending on the publication or contest, but it’s not uncommon to wait several weeks or even months for a response. Be patient and use the waiting period to work on new projects.

2. Are there any fees associated with submitting short stories to contests or literary magazines? Some contests and a few literary magazines charge submission fees to cover administrative costs. However, many reputable publications offer free submissions, so it’s essential to weigh the benefits against any potential costs.

3. Should I submit my short story to multiple publications simultaneously? It’s generally acceptable to submit the same story to multiple publications simultaneously, as long as each publication allows simultaneous submissions. Just be sure to withdraw your story promptly if it’s accepted elsewhere.

4. What rights do I retain if my short story is published in an anthology? The rights you retain can vary depending on the terms of the anthology’s contract. In most cases, you’ll retain the copyright to your story, but the anthology publisher may have exclusive rights to publish it within the anthology for a set period.

5. Is it possible to revise my short story after it’s been submitted for publication? Once you’ve submitted your short story, it’s generally not possible to make revisions, especially if it’s already under consideration by an editor or contest judge. Make sure your story is polished and ready for submission before sending it out.

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